book a talk

Are you looking for someone to speak at your school, university, workplace or event? 

Our experienced and inspirational team regularly speak at conferences, sit on panels, share through webinars, join debates and speak to the press. 

Whether you’re looking to learn more about migration, or to be blown away by an incredible story, our speakers are both educational and motivational in their life-changing talks.

our services

We have a mission that everyone in the UK has the opportunity to hear from someone who has experienced displacement firsthand. These are the stories we need to hear and can all learn from. For more information about dates and rates, contact us.



global conference


"Jaz will revolutionise the way you think, behave and work. she shared her passionate story on how she is effecting change on a global scale, and gave us inspiration and ways to action positive impact on people and the world."

- phil - founder of brandtrepreneur and cannes lions attendee

"We were absolutely delighted that Mez could also join us at our school and tell us a bit about his life. Hearing the details from Mez ’s journey was almost surreal. his courage and determination is incredible and the students were so engaged and clearly shocked by Mez’ journey.

I think it is very easy for us to take what we have for granted and Mez really allowed the students to appreciate this. Mez truly opened the students and teachers eyes to events that are not publicised or common knowledge, and we are so glad that Mez is now safe. The students loved the workshop, it was a truly unique experience and one I am so glad we were able to be apart of this."

- Miss cartwright - head of drama, brampton Manor school