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Support our mission by making a once-off or monthly donation or gift a talk to school who might not be able to afford it.
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate
Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
GiftAid Terms and Conditions
To donate under the GiftAid scheme you must be a UK taxpayer and have paid an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the amount of tax reclaimed by all charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs on all your donations in the tax year (6 April one year to 5th April the next.) We currently receive an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. Other taxes such as Council Tax and VAT do not qualify. To agree to GiftAid, please tick the box on the form above. Please note that we can only claim tax on donations made from a personal bank or building society account. We cannot claim GiftAid on donations made from company accounts. By ticking the box you are confirming that the amount donated is a personal donation to the CIVA for Asylum Speakers and is not a collection or sponsorship payment. Please let us know if your tax circumstances or name/address change, so that we can update our records.